She's sort of an old friend of mine whom I found the other day at a bookstore here in Seattle. Of all the St. Therese books, The Last Conversations of St Therese is so far my favorite. I lent it to someone several years ago, but I don't remember who it was... Or where my old book might be now. I like 'Last Conversations' even better than her ever popular Story of a Soul. So I bought it again and now I have a brand new copy.
What was it about St. Therese that touches me? I don't know... It's her pure simple love of God, her family and the love she shows those with whom she was in Carmel that was so remarkable. It wasn't her intellect, nor her accomplishments, or anything else. It was just her ability to stay perfectly on track with that which is most essential; that which really, really matters most. I will be re-reading her last conversations over this next week.